Curriculum and Instruction

Dyslexia Data for NNSC:

Screeners: NWEA Map Reading Fluency Dyslexia Screener

Interventions Used: Great Leaps, colored overlays, Read Theory, small group interventions

Students “at risk” or “at some risk”:  Lake Village – 3; Lincoln-4; and Morocco-2

Number of students identified with dyslexia during 2020-2021 – 0

North Newton School Corporation Curricular Programs

Social Emotional Learning:  Second Steps-Grades K-8

Math:  Go Math-Grades K-6

Science: Mystery Science K-5; Science Weekly 6th

Social Studies: Social Studies Weekly K-6

Reading:  Tier 1: HMH Into Reading

Tier 2 and 3:  Read Theory , Great Leaps, Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark



Universal Screener:  NWEA Grades K-12

Progress Monitoring: Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark reading levels K-3, Rigby reading levels K-6, Scholastic Reading Inventory 1-3,

NNHS Naturalization Exam (as required by the IDOE) results:

(1) The number of students who took the naturalization examination  43

(2) The number of students who passed the naturalization examination by a score of not less than sixty percent (60%) on their first attempt  23
(3) The pass rate of the naturalization examination regarding the students who participated. 53%